Forthcoming Tenth Graduate Workshop in Bremen

Forthcoming Tenth Graduate Workshop in Bremen

We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming tenth anniversary workshop of the Russian(?) Art & Culture Group, which will be held at Constructor University in Bremen on September 27 and 28, 2024.

The ongoing Russian war against Ukraine has caused a deep crisis of scholarship. Taking this as a point of departure, the goal of the tenth workshop of the Russian(?) Art & Culture Group is to find appropriate terms, approaches, and strategies that offer new insights into Imperial Russian and Soviet art and culture in order to contribute to the ongoing debates regarding the future of scholarship in this field of research.

We are already looking forward to interesting presentations, the keynote talk by Konstantin Akinsha on The History of Art in the Shadow of War: On the Necessity of Revising the Narrative of Russian/Soviet Modernism and the roundtable discussion focussing on the question What Is “Russian” Art and Culture? with Louise Hardiman, Maria Silina, and Konstantin Akinsha. See program for more details.

Should you be insterested in participating, please register by September 22, 2024, at

Methods Workshop, September 28

Methods Workshop, September 28

We would like to invite you to the forthcoming Methods Workshop within the the framework of the research collaboration between the Research Centre for East European Studies (Forschungsstelle Osteuropa – FSO) at Bremen University and the Russian Art & Culture Group (RACG) at Constructor University. 

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 10:30 to 16:30.

Location: Meeting Room 49 in Research IV, Constructor University or online via TEAMS.

Organizers: Natalia Fedorenko, Irina Riznychok, and Georgi Sokolov.


The Workshop Program will be the following:

1. Multiple modernisms — morning session, 10:30 to 12:00. Presenter: Irina Riznychok, Respondent: Kristian Handberg
Text for Discussion: Terry Smith, “Art History’s Work-in Pro(re)gress – Reflections on the Multiple Modernities Project,” in New Histories of Art in the Global Postwar Era,” ed. Flavia Frigeri and Kristian Handberg, London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 12-23.

2. Actor-network theory — early afternoon session, 13:00-14:30. Presenter: Georgi Sokolov, Respondent: Elena Korowin
Text for Discussion: Gundela Hachmann, “Network Analysis in Literature and the Arts. Rethinking Agency and Creativity,” Journal of Literary Theory, volume 17, issue 2 (September 2023): 221-240.

3. Gender  — late afternoon session, 15:00-16:30. Presenter: Natalia Fedorenko, Respondent: Klavdia Smola
Text for Discussion: Kladvia Smola, “Speaking Outlaw: Performing Masculinity in Soviet Underground Culture” (2023).

Please ask the organisers for the pdf files of the texts and the links for the TEAMS sessions via e-mail: Natalia Fedorenko, Irina Riznychok, and Georgi Sokolov.

We are looking forward to seeing some of you at the workshop!


Kunst und Revolution – 3. April 2023

Kunst und Revolution – 3. April 2023

We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming event “Kunst und Revolution. Parallelaktion Berlin-Moskau 1922” on April 3, 2023.

Isabel Wünsche, the initiator of the Russian Art & Culture Group and co-editor of the edited voulume “100 Years On: Revisiting the First Russian Art Exhibition of 1922,” will discuss the impact of the Berlin exhibition of 1922 with Dr. Christian Hufen whose research in Moscow enriched the current special exhibition “1922 – George Grosz reist nach Sowjetrussland” at the Grosz Museum in Berlin.

The event will take place on Monday, April 3, 2023, at 18:00 at Das kleine Grosz Museum, Bülowstraße 18, 10783 Berlin. The Grosz Museum Berlin kindly asks for registration via e-Mail ( 

The discussion will be in German. See the German announcement for more  information.

CFP, Season Greetings, and more

CFP, Season Greetings, and more

Dear friends and members of the Russian Art & Culture Group,

We hope everyone had lovely holidays and enjoyed them as much as possible, despite the pandemic-driven restrictions.

At the end of the year, we would like to draw your attention to a CFP for a forthcoming workshop on Revisiting Russian-speaking artistic (e)migration, 1900-1939. The deadline for submitting a proposal is January 15, 2022, and the workshop will be online on April 7-8, 2022. We are looking forward to an interesting workshop with our colleagues from the research project Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern
Art and Exile (METROMOD) based at the LMU Munich.

Furthermore, as a little gift, we would like to share the link to a wonderful online contribution by Miriam Leimer. As one of the main organizers of this year’s conference on the First Russian Exhibition of 1922, she wrote an intriguing text on this very topic for decoder. Enjoy reading the Russian version or the German original!

Finally, we would like to wish you a joyous Holiday season and a happy and peaceful New Year! May the new options of remote events draw the community together but may there also be new opportunities to exchange our ideas and insights in person!

All the best from your Russian Art & Culture Group

Berlin Conference: Online Registration still OPEN!

Berlin Conference: Online Registration still OPEN!

The international conference
100 Years of German-Russian Cultural Exchange:The First Russian Art Exhibition
is drawing close.
This conference will take place as a hybrid event this week, on
October 15-16, 2021,
in the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Saal, Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Potsdamer Straße
and online via Zoom.

You can still register for the Online-Event. Please use the Zoom-Online-Form for remote participation.

If you are still unsure whether to participate or not, please note that there will be no recordings!

See our website for more information, the program of the event, and the Conference Booklet with abstracts of the talks.

See you soon, in Berlin or on the screen!