Call for Applications
We would like to draw your attention to the following Call for Applications for non-German researchers.
Call for Applications
Henriette Herz Scouting Program, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (second round) https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/henriette-herz-scouting-programme
The program is specifically geared towards supporting promising young female researchers and junior scholars from regions which are usually not well represented in the Western academic mainstream. I am specifically looking for young female researchers from Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics or Caucasus, the Near East, Central Asia, or Siberia, etc. who work on global modernism, abstraction, artists’ networks, and the like.
Selection criteria for the program:
• doctorate completed within the last 4 years (postdocs) or 12 years (researchers) • above-average publication record commensurate with career level (academic context will be considered) • no post-doctoral research stays after completing doctorate in Germany (conference participation is OK) no degrees completed in Germany • no German citizenship • no previous applications nor previous sponsorship in any of the AvH fellowship programmes • good knowledge of German or English, depending on research proposal — Constructor University is an English-language university • the research fellowship should commence within 12 months of being granted • duration 24 months for postdocs, 18 months for researchers
Application materials: CV (no more than 2 pages), list of publications, research proposal (2-3 pages), and names/contacts of two references
Application deadline: July 31, 2023
Please send your application materials to iwuensche@constructor.university
Potential candidates will be invited to a workshop in September 2023.
Prof. Dr. Isabel Wünsche
Professor of Art History
Constructor University
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen