Graduate Workshop Goes Online
The travelling restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic were affecting the workshop so immensely that we finally decide to move the forthcoming graduate workshop on The Problem of Religious Art in Modernity. Uses and Abuses of the Icon in Russia to the online realms!
So, our graduate workshop will be an online Zoom conference which we will host together with our colleagues of the “Eurasia in Global Dialogue” Program at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM).
Since none of us would like to spend the whole day in front of the screen, we streched the program a little bit.
The workshop is now starting a day earlier. Our speaker will present their papers from October 14 to 16, 2020, from around 2 to 5 pm, Bremen and Vienna time (UTC+2 hours).
The participation is free for everyone, you just need to register in due time on the website of the IWM to receive the necessary information to access our Zoom meeting room.
We are already looking forward to seeing you all online!