New Name
Dear friends and members of the Russian(?) Art & Culture Group,
Inspired by the lively discussions during the Tenth Graduate Workshop, we are pleased to announce the new name of the group: “Russian Art & Culture Reconsidered” (RACR).
As an active group and network, we wish to keep the main focus on Imperial Russian and Soviet art and culture. In doing so, we hope to contribute to a critical re-evaluation of this research field, highlighting that this is an ongoing process. More specifically, the new name reflects the processes of re-reading Russo-centric narratives, re-evaluating the various cultures in the territory of the former Soviet Union, and critically investigating the blind spots and marginalized areas of Imperial Russian and Soviet art and culture – phenomena, artists, and institutions that have previously been neglected.
The RACR group will proceed with organizing workshops and publishing its outcomes, as well as expanding its network by inviting new participants. Furthermore, we would like to test new formats of collaborative work (e.g. online seminars and reading groups) to identify relevant topics and encourage conversation, exchange, and further investigation. More details on our forthcoming projects will be presented in the new year. We are very much looking forward to your participation and support.
Warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Your RACR team