In the light of the tragic events in Ukraine
Dear friends and members of the Russian Art & Culture Group,
In times like these, it is hard to put our horror, sadness, and concern into words. And yet, this is exactly what is necessary. Therefore, we would like to engage in and encourage all the statements against this unjustifiable aggression against Ukraine.
The Russian Art & Culture Group condemns in the strongest terms possible the unprovoked and unjustified Russian military attack on Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and all those who oppose this senseless war.
Мы группа, Russian Art & Culture Group, осуждаем самым решительным образом необоснованное военное нападение России на Украину. Мы полностью солидарны с народом Украины и всеми, кто борется против этой бессмысленной войне.
Die Russian Art & Culture Group verurteilt Russlands ungerechtfertigten militärischen Angriff auf die Ukraine aufs Schärfste. Unsere Solidarität gilt den Menschen in der Ukraine und allen, die sich diesem sinnlosen Krieg entgegenstellen.
With hope for a peaceful future for everyone.