Inspired by the Russian(?) Art & Culture Group
The workshops of the Russian(?) Art & Culture Group are always wonderful occasions to listen to interesting presentations and the most recent scholarship. Therefore, we aim to publish the results of these workshops.
However, instead of publishing the mere workshop papers, we prefer to combine articles of junior and senior researchers in edited volumes on specific topics. These are our first two joint publications.
What Is to Be Done? Art Practice, Theory, and Promotion in Late Imperial and Soviet Russia, edited by Ludmila Piters-Hofmann (Berlin: Logos, 2024).
Ludmila Piters-Hofmann
Editor’s Preface: What Has Been Done?
Trenton Olsen
Ivan Kramskoi’s Unknown Woman and the Embarrassment of Modernity
Ludmila Piters-Hofmann
Interwoven Identities: Church Slavonic in Folklore-Based Late-Imperial Russian Art
Tatiana Levina
Iconic Revolution: The Asceticism of Old-Style Icons and the Avant-Garde
Maria Taroutina
Before and Beyond the Avant-Garde: The Forgotten Art Histories of Nikolai Punin and Nikolai Tarabukin
Sebastian Borkhardt
“A Shift in Art’s Center of Gravity… from West to East”? Kandinsky’s Essay “Abstract Art” (1925) and the “Slavic Principle”
Vera Otdelnova
Discussing Modernism: How the Moscow Union of Artists Questioned its Art Theory
Marat Ismagilov
Make Academic Art Great Again: Exhibitions of the Society of Art Exhibitions in the St. Petersburg Press from 1876 to 1883
Louise A. Hardiman
Between Enmity and Patronage: Sergei Diaghilev, Vladimir Stasov, and the Promotion of Neo-national Art and Design
Rahma Khazam
From the Marxist Display to Sots Art: Museum Exhibitions of Soviet-Era Art and the East-West Divide
“Special issue: Artistic Communities and Educational Approaches in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Russia,” Russian History 46, no. 4 (2019), guest issue edited by Ludmila Piters-Hofmann and Isabel Wünsche.
Ludmila Piters-Hofmann and Isabel Wünsche
Artistic Communities and Educational Approaches in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Russia
Alison Hilton
From Abramtsevo to Zakopane: Folk Art and National Ideals in Russia and Eastern Europe
Allison Leigh
Vasilii Maksimov: Individuality and Collectivism in Pëtr Krestonostsev’s Artel of Artists
Ludmila Piters-Hofmann
Out of the Deep Woods and Into the Light: The Invention of Snegurochka as a Representation of Russian National Identity
K. Andrea Rusnock
Scholar and Mentor: Vladimir Stasov and the Promotion of Russian Needlecrafts
Isabel Wünsche
Pavel Chistiakov and Jan Ciągliński: New Approaches to Art Pedagogy in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Russia
“In Memoriam: Dmitry Vladimirovich Sarabyanov,” Experiment: A Journal of Russian Culture/Eksperiment: Zhurnal russkoi kultury, vol. 23 (2017), guest issue edited by Isabel Wünsche, Sebastian Borkhardt, and Tanja Malycheva.
Andrei Sarabyanov
About My Father
John E. Bowlt
Remembering Dmitry Sarabyanov
Natalia Avtonomova
Dmitry Sarabyanov, Scholar and Teacher
Xenia Muratova
In Memory of Dmitry Sarabyanov
Elena Borisovna Murina and Jane A. Sharp
Dmitry Vladimirovich Sarabyanov’s Speech to the First Congress of the Union of Artists
Mikhail Allenov
The Appearance of Christ before the People in 1858 as a Symbol and Symptom of a Historical Period
Ludmila Piters-Hofmann
Sleeping Beauty: A Western European Immigrant to Russian Culture
Tanja Malycheva
East and West, Past and Present: The Manifold Iconographic Code in Valentin Serov’s Portrait of Ida Rubinstein (1910)
Maria Taroutina
Between East and West: Reconsidering Mikhail Vrubel’s “Nativist” Aesthetics
Fabio Franz
An Inspirational Milieu: St. Petersburg Cosmopolitan Collections of Old Masters
Christina Lodder
Ivan Puni and the Flight of Forms: From St. Petersburg to Berlin
Miriam Häßler
Moscow Merz and Russian Rhythm: Tracking Vestiges of the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung, Berlin, 1922
Jakub Hauser
Exiled Russian and Ukrainian Artists in Prague during the Interwar Period
Exhibiting Russia: Revising, Reframing, and Reinterpreting the Russian Avant-Garde
Soviet “Severe Romanticism” at the 1962 Venice Biennale: The Case of Viktor Popkov
Ekaterina Bobrinskaya
Cultural Memory and the Anti-Western Utopias of Russian “Futurians”
To Duel or Not to Duel? That Is a [Futuristic] Question
Nina Gurianova
Visions, Wars, and Utopias of the Russian Avant-Garde
Isabel Wünsche
Creative Intuition: The Russian Interpretation of Henri Bergson’s Metaphysics
Yulian Khalturin
Malevich Edits Malevich
Viktoria Schindler
Color Theories from Western Europe and the United States in the Writings of Ivan Kliun
Georg Kolbe: Russian Impressions
Georgy Kovalenko
Pavel Tchelitchew and Jean Giraudoux’s Ondine
John E. Bowlt and Nicoletta Misler
Meridians of Snow