Congratulations, Dr. Borkhardt!
The Russian Art & Culture Group would like to congratulate Sebastian Borkhardt for the publication of his PhD thesis on Wassily Kandinsky!
In „Der Russe Kandinsky“. Zur Bedeutung der russischen Herkunft Vasilij Kandinskijs für seine Rezeption in Deutschland, 1912-1945 [“The Russian Kandinsky”: On the Significance of Vasilii Kandinskii’s Russian Origin for His Reception in Germany, 1912-1945.] Sebastian discusses how Kandinsky’s work was perceived and discussed in Germany during the artist’s stay there.
We are delighted that this well-researched work is now available for the German reader and thankful for this enrichment of the scholarship on Russian art in Germany.
So, Congratulations! once again and the best of luck for your future projects, Dr. Sebastian Borkhardt!