Kunst und Revolution – 3. April 2023
We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming event “Kunst und Revolution. Parallelaktion Berlin-Moskau 1922” on April 3, 2023.
Isabel Wünsche, the initiator of the Russian Art & Culture Group and co-editor of the edited voulume “100 Years On: Revisiting the First Russian Art Exhibition of 1922,” will discuss the impact of the Berlin exhibition of 1922 with Dr. Christian Hufen whose research in Moscow enriched the current special exhibition “1922 – George Grosz reist nach Sowjetrussland” at the Grosz Museum in Berlin.
The event will take place on Monday, April 3, 2023, at 18:00 at Das kleine Grosz Museum, Bülowstraße 18, 10783 Berlin. The Grosz Museum Berlin kindly asks for registration via e-Mail (office@daskleinegroszmuseum.berlin).
The discussion will be in German. See the German announcement for more information.