Workshop Postponed and Relocated!

Workshop Postponed and Relocated!

The restrictions due to COVID-19 also affected the forthcoming graduate workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group…

Unfortunately, the collaboration with the Internationales Kolleg Morphomata at Cologne University was no longer an option, since the university cancelled all on-site events until October.

We did our best to find an alternative venue, since networking with real people is one of the main goals of our workshop series and everyone is attending so many online events nowadays.

Therefore, we are delighted to announce that the forthcoming workshop with the topic The Problem of Religious Art in Modernity. Uses and Abuses of the Icon in Russia will be held in Vienna. We are already very thankful to our colleagues of the “Eurasia in Global Dialogue” Program at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) who were open to our collaboration and hosting our – now joined – event.

The new date of the workshop is
October 15 and 16, 2020.

Luckily, Professor George Pattison from Glasgow is still able to be our keynote speaker. Furthermore, we are looking forward to the presentations by Alexei Lidov, Oleg Tarasov, and Maria Taroutina, among others.

In advance hindsight, we are also planning to arrange a remote access to the workshop’s presentations.

We will keep you updated!

10 Days Left For Submissions

10 Days Left For Submissions

This is a gentle reminder that there are only 10 days left to answer our Call for Papers for the forthcoming Eighth Graduate Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group!

The workshop with the topic The Problem of Religious Art in Modernity. Uses and Abuses of the Icon in Russia is the second one which will not be held in Bremen. We are already thankful to our colleagues of the Internationales Kolleg Morphomata at Cologne University.

From September 23rd to 25th (exact dates depend on the amount of submissions) the discussions of international junior and senior scholars will be joined by our keynote speaker, Professor George Pattison from Glasgow.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words along with a short biographical note of 100 words by May 15, 2020 to

You will find all the necessary information in the Call’s pdf. However, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers of this workshop, Clemena Antonova and Ludmila Piters-Hofmann, using the email address above.

We are looking forward for your submissions!

The Story behind Our Logo

The Story behind Our Logo

Since 2018 the Russian Art & Culture Group has its own logo which you may see here and there on our website. Some participants of the workshops already guessed that this logo – which was created by our member Ludmila Piters-Hofmann – includes some recognizable elements.

You may now find out how the logo was created and what the individual elements represent.

Introducing Keynote Speaker George Pattison

Introducing Keynote Speaker George Pattison

The Call for Papers for the forthcoming Eighth Graduate Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group is published and now we would like to indroduce our keynote speaker, Professor George Pattison.

We are delighted that Prof. Pattison, Professor of Theology and Modern European Thought at the University of Glasgow, agreed to join us when we will focus on The Problem of Religious Art in Modernity. Uses and Abuses of the Icon in Russia during this year’s workshop in Cologne.

Please enjoy Prof. Pattison’s member page to enhance your anticipation of the workshop.

CfP: Eighth Graduate Workshop

CfP: Eighth Graduate Workshop

The Call for Papers for the forthcoming Eighth Graduate Workshop of the Russian Art & Culture Group is finally published to be answered by you!

The workshop’s topic will be The Problem of Religious Art in Modernity. Uses and Abuses of the Icon in Russia. Thanks to our collaboration with the Internationales Kolleg Morphomata the venue will be at Cologne University. From September 23rd to 25th (exact dates depend on the amount of submissions) the discussions of international junior and senior scholars will be joined by our keynote speaker, Professor George Pattison from Glasgow.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words along with a short biographical note of 100 words by May 15, 2020 to

You will find all the necessary information in the pdf. However, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers of this workshop, Clemena Antonova and Ludmila Piters-Hofmann, using the email address above.

We are looking forward for your submissions!